Berlin is a city that will never forget what's happened there. Some of Berlin has attempted to generate new symbols of freedom and community over landmarks that were once symbols of oppression and hate, as you saw in my last post. However, for as many symbols that needed to be redefined and reclaimed, there were many that needed to be brought to fruition. WWII nearly eradicated the physical city, but Berlin would not let it eradicate the memories associated with it. These things needed to be remembered, even if they had to be rebuilt to do so.
However, once you enter you quickly feel claustrophobic. The pillars keep rising and containing you in the darkness. If it is sunny out, the shadows loom and cannot help but cover you, I can only imagine how overbearing it would be if it were as gray as the columns are outside. You are aware others are around you, but cannot quite see them. The stone surrounds you, leaving you with just your thoughts. It becomes a stifling and tense environment. If you really lose your senses and fail to pay attention to where you walk, you can stumble as the ground is gradient. These are just the immediate physical and mental responses to wandering your way through the memorial, it doesn't even begin to explain the emotional and psychological toll. However, I'm sure you will be able to read into that. It's something that must be experienced for yourself. Anneke and Caroline both had very different, but haunting interpretations of how the Holocaust Memorial makes you feel. One thing is for certain, it's very powerful.
Other memorials are equally as impacting just by showing what is not there anymore. The Bebelplatz (in the Mitte district, the heart of Berlin) is home to the Nazi Book Burning Memorial. At first glance, you could walk right over it. It is only when you stand right on top of it that you can really appreciate the depth of it. The window looks into a room of blank bookshelves, painted a pristine white, but are utterly claustrophobic and clinical. It has the effect of a morgue. Once again, I will let you read into the symbolism of this. Yet at the same time, it has the look of a museum display case, which makes me hopeful that something as horrible as book burning has been left in the past.
Having once lived in DC, a city of memorials, I can say that Berlin's are especially affecting. Their abstract, yet potently symbolic nature, immediately includes the visitor. The visitor is not just looking at the something they could've better seen on a postcard, no rather, the visitor is experiencing something. Even better, each visitor will have their own experience and leave with an individualized understanding of what they saw. Berlin's memorials are about attempting to comprehend and reconcile what the city has taken part of or at least witnessed and that should be the purpose of all memorials.
I seriously have enjoyed your posts on Berlin, they have been so beautifully written and have made me obtain a bit of a crush on this city! (Not gonna lie, the food post had me drooling a bit...).
ReplyDeleteThe reason I was asking about your abroad plans is because i am seriously considering traveling and working/volunteering for a year throughout europe. as of right now i would be by myself, but am assuming i would be meeting up with various people - bloggers and friends- throughout. it may seem a little foolish to be doing this now, especially when the economy is like how it is, but i just don't see the time anywhere else in my future to do this but now. I would have to save up a lot of money to do this as it may not be IMMEDIATELY after i graduate. who knows, this is my life plan as of right now and its always subject to change :) also thinking about volunteering in peru in addition to this
ReplyDeleteReichstag is beautiful and I am glad that they are using the building today after everything that it went though.
ReplyDeleteDude, you need to visit Traverse City! I never get to really explore that area, and you don't even live in the Mitten, but know more about the city than I do. I hope you can next summer, that would be so cool!